Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get when I order Child Anxiety Tales?

Once you have completed registration and payment through our Order page for the Child Anxiety Tales program, you will receive (1) an email receipt and (2) an email that includes your username and password for logging into the program.

The program includes 10, 35-minute lessons designed to teach parents how to identify and better understand anxiety and stress in kids, to understand what cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety is about, and to give specific strategies to help their child better manage stress and anxiety.

You will have 1-year access from the date of purchase using your username and password to access the full program. There is an option to set up automatic payment for continued access past 1 yr on our Order page. The program automatically limits to 3 devices.

What age range is the program designed for?

The program is designed to be used by parents. The examples and strategies are relevant for all ages of those struggling with anxiety, but most specifically towards children and adolescents ages 7-17.

How long does it take to go through Child Anxiety Tales?

We recommend going through 1 module every few days. There are 10 modules in total. The first few are more informational and second half more instructional. You may prefer to go through it all at once and then go back through the second half again as you try to implement some of the strategies with your child.

Can my child go through the program with me?

The program is designed for parents, and might be a little dense for kids. That said, there may be parts that you would like to share with them to help the dialogue. We recommend going through the modules and then selecting the parts you’d like to share that you think would be appropriate for your child.

What will I need to be able to run the program?

You will need to register and pay for access to the Child Anxiety Tales program. You can find an “Order” button at the top right hand side of our home page. The program is designed as an online program, so you will need an internet connection with good speed to get the best experience. For those who have variable speed and access to the internet, we recommend downloading the modules onto your computer to be able to view without an internet connection (but you will need to be connected to the internet to be able to login and download the modules).

Can I share my login information with other parents?

If you’re a parent, you can use your login with your family (including your spouse and kids). In other words, if you have two children, you only need to purchase the program one time.

If you are a professional (a teacher, counselor, therapist, social worker, other professional), you can purchase the program to share content with your clients. Your license does not allow for sharing login information with other professionals, parents, or students. If that is of interest to your colleagues or clients, we ask them to visit to find programs that may fit their needs.
We ask you to keep your login information to yourself. Thanks for respecting the licensing rules; it helps us to be able to continue to develop and keep offering the best-in-class evidence-based content to all families who may benefit from them.

Are the programs mobile ready?

Yes, the Child Anxiety Tales modules are mobile-ready. There are sections of your dashboard that will be only accessible on your computer.

Do Dr. Kendall and Dr. Khanna do speaking engagements?

Yes, Dr. Kendall and Dr. Khanna are available to speak with parent groups, schools, and organizations, and to conduct workshops throughout the year. To arrange a visit, contact Dr. Muniya Khanna at

Do you have programs for schools?

We have programs for providers and school-based mental health professionals to be used with children and adolescents with anxiety including Coping Cat Therapist manuals and Camp Cope-A-Lot computer-based CBT for anxious youth. Visit for more information and to order.

Is my personal information safe?

We collect no personal information other than what you provide to us for product payment and registration for access to the Child Anxiety Tales program. Symptom checker responses will be stored to your personal account and is stored on a private server and the Symptom Checker collects no personal health information. We do not sell, rent, lease or trade any information about you.


Customer Support

If you have product or technical questions about the Child Anxiety Tales Program, or are having problems with registration or logging in to the program after receiving your receipt of payment, please send an email to:

Content Questions

If you have any questions about the content of this website, or have a resource that you would like to suggest adding to this site, please contact our Web Editor Dr. Muniya Khanna at


Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We hope that you find the information and tools on our site to be helpful. The website and the Child Anxiety Tales program are educational, and not intended to serve as or replace treatment. The Child Anxiety Tales program does not replace treatment and is not sufficient for treatment of anxiety on its own. This program offers information about anxiety and its treatment and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Optimal care requires a diagnostic assessment and informed treatment planning.

This site does not offer any professional service requiring licensure, registration, or certification in any jurisdiction. Always consult with your health-care provider before starting any treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s health or mental health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or mental health-


How to Register: